KhoramDareh Granite

KhoramDareh granite stone has various background colors extracted from different quarries. KhoramDareh Fili granite (elephant-skin like color) has gray background with oyster white gradation. KhoramDareh Chocolate granite stone has chocolate background with scattered white dots. the other sort of KhoramDareh granite is Khoramdareh pink granite with pink and pale yellowish pink background and oyster white gradation. The mutual features between all sorts of KhoramDareh granite are the porous texture and high water absorption which during the processing , these porosities are filled by resin. KhoramDareh granite stone is mainly processed in longitudinal and tile available in polished and film finishing.

To find more about KhoramDareh granite stone, refer to the analysis table below. 

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Distinguished manufacturers KhoramDareh Granite

analysis KhoramDareh Granite

porosityweightabrasive resistanceCompressive Strengthwater Absorption
KhoramDareh Granite0.422.6237250.13

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